Let's see.. where to start? The most EXCITING thing is... da da da dummmmm: Brett is sleeping in his big boy bead! After constantly climbing out of his crib for days and days we decided that was enough of that. I put together his Thomas the Train toddler bed and talked to him about how fun a big boy bed is. He played in it that day and seemed to really like it! We went to Target and picked out a Thomas blanket too. When Drew got home for dinner I told Brett to "show daddy his big boy bed" and he took Drew's hand and led him to his room :)
So the first night I put him to bed and sang a little, soothed a little and told him to lay down for night-night about 100 times. He tried to get out over and over but I stood my ground. I stayed with him since it was the first night and he finally fell asleep after about 30 minutes. When I left the room I locked the door.
Drew came home from work and checked on him. He was fast asleep! Drew figured he would stay asleep so he left the door unlocked.. Uh oh.. at 3:00am Brett came busting into our room crying hysterically! I got up and he wanted to sit on the couch in the living room. I carried him back to his room while he screamed and cried. This wasn't going to be pretty.
I got him back into bed. I had to hold him down for about 10 minutes until he finally stopped fighting. He relaxed a little as I sang and soothed him. After another 15 minutes or so I decided that this was not going to work for me to stay with him every time until he fell asleep. So I got up and walked out of the room. I locked the door. I heard him run to the door and cry.. but that only lasted for a few minutes. I figured he fell asleep in the floor :(
The next morning Drew and I woke up at 10:00am. I PANICKED! I thought oh no he's hurt himself and we never heard it on the monitor! I opened his door and ta-da.. he was asleep in his bed! AMAZING!
So the following nights I put him to bed, soothed him a little, said our prayers (he says "a-men" now) and then left the room and locked the door. He would get up sometimes and try the door but then get back in his bed.
He's slept until 10am or later everyday since! It's a MIRACLE! Thank you Lord :)
Moving on, it's been too long since I've posted and I feel awful about it :( But there's one thing that makes me feel BETTER! I have a new iPhone! Happy Birthday to me! I took my first picture of Mr. Handsome in the tub:
And finally, the "new" kiddie pool. It WAS the sandbox, but after constantly cleaning up sand in the house I decided it was time to re-think things. Brett would get all sweaty outside then roll around in the sand and come inside. No, no, no!
That's about it for now.. I promise I will try to be better about posting! Maybe I can do it directly from my iPhone?! :)