Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday thoughts..

This church changed my life! As I attended the Ash Wednesday service today I thought about all of the different ways that IC Church (and Catholicism for that matter) has impacted my life. I remember the first time I ever attended Mass. I actually went with Bert Wright! I had no idea what to do or say but it felt like "home" to me. For the first time in a very long time I felt peace and knew I was where I belonged.

I suddenly had strength. I asked God to take over.. I had obviously not been living life right. I desparately needed to change. So I ended an unhealthy relationship with my then boyfriend Brian, I started attending Mass, and I met an amazing Catholic man (guess who?) whom I immediately felt a strong bond with.

I began my journey in RCIA (Right of Christian Initiation for Adults) with Drew as my sponsor. After 9 months of weekly classes, I was confirmed in April 2004. Right in the church that I had first attended Mass. My first communion was an amazing experience. I was filled with peace and hope that my life would be better than ever now that God was in control! Soon after, Drew and I started teaching various ages Church History.. 10th thru 12th graders, 8th and 9th graders, and eventually college ages. What a fulfilling ministry!

September 2005 Drew and were married. It was a very relaxing and fun-filled event! We had no worries, no doubts and no reservations. As we said our vows and entered the sacrament of marriage, I knew that God put Drew in my life as a gift.. for coming back to him and his church. And the gifts have continued ever since!

Brett's baptism last weekend brought back memories of confirmation and our wedding. Standing once again at an altar where so much as transpired! The familiar surroundings and smells.. looking at the stained glass.. My heart was filled with joy once again as I held my precious boy. Another gift.

Today I feel so blessed. As I enter into the Lenten season and prepare to renew my baptism, I pray that other people out there, who walk into IC for the first time, experience the positive changes that I have! God is so good!


  1. I LOVE this post!!! What a perfect example of the Love , the Humility, and the Anticipation we are supposed to explore during Lent. You ARE Blessed, Adrienne! And you have been a Blessing in the lives of so many others. Way to pay it forward.
